Friday, September 18, 2009
39 Weeks
Ouch. I am spending most of my time sleeping or napping now. If I walk for more than about 100m I am out of breath or having shooting pain down my legs so I am trying not to do much. My tum feels really tight like the baby will come out Alien style if it has its way. I am having Braxton Hicks nearly constantly, but they don't hurt. I have no idea how I am going to be able to tell if I have real labour pains, coz I am already sore on and off from the baby pushing on nerves. Getting up 5-6 times a night for the toilet and even just walking from the bedroom to the toilet has to be done slowly. Must be close now..nerve wrecking, but excited :) Am really glad I have Rob who is the best husband ever. Great with massage and always asking what he can do to help me out...he even puts on my socks if I can't reach my feet! I think he, I and Wiggly will make a great family.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Last Minute Nesting Instinct?
In the last week I have pretty much done everything I can now for setting up the baby and I assume that since my nesting instinct seems to involve me making things for the baby as opposed to housework, I found myself one day thinking what can I do? This resulted in me running out to Spotlight and purchasing Christmas material and I have now made a little stuffed star shaped toy with buttons and bells for the baby and a Christmas stocking!! Talk about crazy nesting instinct! I am making a firm resolve not to make anything else or do anything until the baby arrives. I seem to be incapable of RESTING which is what I know I should be doing. I have put some pictures so you can see my handywork. It is 2 sided, I have not made 2 of everything :) (that is something at least!)
Monday, September 14, 2009
38 Weeks
I had a massage this week. We are trying to get value out of our health insurance before we have to swap it over to include Wiggly. I had to spend yesterday lying down and napped twice in one day. Moving around caused nervy groin pain, not sure if baby is engaging or leaning on a nerve, but it makes me yelp out loud! Baby is currently hiccoughing :) Weight: 62.4kg (getting ridiculous, if I fall over I won't be able to get up again!)
37 Weeks

Had midwife visit, she said that Wiggly is doing very well, but is not engaged yet (still floating around) and is facing posterior :( Apparently this means longer labour and more back pain. I have been told to try leaning forward a lot, no reclining...which sucks because reclining is how I am most comfortable. No real cravings at the moment, but I get heartburn after eating or drinking ANYTHING including water. Weight: 61.3kg.
36 Weeks

The baby's movements have changed from kicks to squirms which are more comfortable..I guess its run out of room in there. I am starting to find walking dificult for any length or distance. I occasionally get dull shotting pain down my legs if I walk too far. I am feeling grateful for Rob who is very nice to me and puts my socks on because I find that one of the hardest things to do!! Have developed a method of twisting like a contortionist to get my sock on in Rob's absence. Still Craving milk. Weight: 60.9kg (the baby is having a last minute burst)
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