Friday, September 18, 2009
39 Weeks
Ouch. I am spending most of my time sleeping or napping now. If I walk for more than about 100m I am out of breath or having shooting pain down my legs so I am trying not to do much. My tum feels really tight like the baby will come out Alien style if it has its way. I am having Braxton Hicks nearly constantly, but they don't hurt. I have no idea how I am going to be able to tell if I have real labour pains, coz I am already sore on and off from the baby pushing on nerves. Getting up 5-6 times a night for the toilet and even just walking from the bedroom to the toilet has to be done slowly. Must be close now..nerve wrecking, but excited :) Am really glad I have Rob who is the best husband ever. Great with massage and always asking what he can do to help me out...he even puts on my socks if I can't reach my feet! I think he, I and Wiggly will make a great family.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Last Minute Nesting Instinct?
In the last week I have pretty much done everything I can now for setting up the baby and I assume that since my nesting instinct seems to involve me making things for the baby as opposed to housework, I found myself one day thinking what can I do? This resulted in me running out to Spotlight and purchasing Christmas material and I have now made a little stuffed star shaped toy with buttons and bells for the baby and a Christmas stocking!! Talk about crazy nesting instinct! I am making a firm resolve not to make anything else or do anything until the baby arrives. I seem to be incapable of RESTING which is what I know I should be doing. I have put some pictures so you can see my handywork. It is 2 sided, I have not made 2 of everything :) (that is something at least!)
Monday, September 14, 2009
38 Weeks
I had a massage this week. We are trying to get value out of our health insurance before we have to swap it over to include Wiggly. I had to spend yesterday lying down and napped twice in one day. Moving around caused nervy groin pain, not sure if baby is engaging or leaning on a nerve, but it makes me yelp out loud! Baby is currently hiccoughing :) Weight: 62.4kg (getting ridiculous, if I fall over I won't be able to get up again!)
37 Weeks

Had midwife visit, she said that Wiggly is doing very well, but is not engaged yet (still floating around) and is facing posterior :( Apparently this means longer labour and more back pain. I have been told to try leaning forward a lot, no reclining...which sucks because reclining is how I am most comfortable. No real cravings at the moment, but I get heartburn after eating or drinking ANYTHING including water. Weight: 61.3kg.
36 Weeks

The baby's movements have changed from kicks to squirms which are more comfortable..I guess its run out of room in there. I am starting to find walking dificult for any length or distance. I occasionally get dull shotting pain down my legs if I walk too far. I am feeling grateful for Rob who is very nice to me and puts my socks on because I find that one of the hardest things to do!! Have developed a method of twisting like a contortionist to get my sock on in Rob's absence. Still Craving milk. Weight: 60.9kg (the baby is having a last minute burst)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Game Day
We would love to know what you think! Which date will our baby be born? Are we having a boy or girl? And what do you think we will call it?
35 Weeks
I am becoming a blimp very fast all of a sudden! I have put on a kilogram in a week!!!! Rob thinks he can see my tum is bigger everytime he sees me. Hope at least this means the baby is healthy. I have been having more episodes of being uncomfortable now. I get tired walking around a mall, pretty much everything that involves standing or sitting gives me a sore back and I wake up every 2 hrs at night to go to the toilet. If I happen to wake the baby up when I go, I can't get back to sleep until it goes to sleep because the movements are so strong now. Luckily it seems to sleep during the night and only wakes up occasionally. I seem to sleep better during the day on top of the doona, maybe better tummy support? I get tired mid morning and mid afternoon so hopefully I will be good at napping by the time the baby comes :) I have told work that I will be finishing at the end of next week. I feel weird at the idea of not working and no school, but I suppose I need to get things finished and rest a bit while I can. I have also started taking Rasberry leaf tablets because I heard they are good for Uterine tone (I think this is supposed to help speed up delivery????) Still liking milk and other dairy and also starting to want sugar ( I know it's bad, no wonder I am putting on so much weight). Weight: 60kg!!!!!! Cravings: milk, sugar.
34 Weeks

Results Of My Waikerie Sewing Project!
While I was in Waikerie for Rob's TRT I thought I should make good use of my time so I hemmed up some curtains fof the nursery, made a stripey valance for the cot (seen in the photo) and a cushion cover for the breastfeeding chair (seen above & in the cot photo). I have also put in a photo of the floor mat I made.
33 Weeks

Have been in Waikerie this week for Rob's first TRT job. We had to travel back to Adelaide Monday night for our first antenatal class, so Dad drove us and Rob did marking in the back and slept on the way home. Have been feeling really good one day then uncomfortable the next, with more waking to go to the toilet at night and the baby managed to wedge itself into a really painful position one night and stayed that way so that I had to get up to try to dislodge it and get it to reposition itself. It did eventually, but I hope I don't have many nights like that! I have used the time in Waikerie to get my baby sewing done. I found the sewing tired my muscles out with getting up & down all the time so lucky I got that done. Weight: 58kg (on mum's scales). Craving: milk.
32 Weeks

Met our back up midwife this week. She is completely different from our midwife, but also very nice. I will be happy to have either of them at our birth. Wiggly is spending lots of time streching out instead of the traditional tucked up position. Resulting in my breath being taken away occasionally! Wiggly seems to be enjoying the sound of splashing water when I have a bath, so maybe it will be a bit of a water baby? I am feeling really full at night, I get really thirsty, drink heaps of milk, then feel like I will explode! I also keep falling asleep in my hypnosis sessions, hopefully they will sink in subconsciously! Weight: 58.1kg. Craving: milk.
31 Weeks
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Martha Has Possessed Me Again
30 Weeks

Have been practicing my Hypnosis for the birth, really enjoying taking 1/2hr a day to focus on relaxation so its a winner already!
I forgot to mention that when we were at Mum's place we were watching a movie in bed and I was watching my tummy more and saw a bump, went to feel it and it was a rock solid little baby bottom sticking out. I made Rob feel it too, it was really strange - really brought home the whole 'different human being living in my tummy' thing. Haven't felt it since though.
Also going to the toilet about 5 times a night at present and last night the 4:15am effort woke Wiggly up enough that it decided to have vigorous play for 15 minutes preventing me from going back to sleep. I think it will take after Rob, felt like swimming with tumbleturns and with the constant feet movement... definately Rob!
Weight: 57.3kg. Cravings: Milk, OJ & fresh pineapple.
29 Weeks

Midwife came for her visit today. Confirmed baby is upsidedown with head in bladder, bum up and legs to the side which explains the occasional pains I get on my right side just below my ribs, where the baby seems to have decided to stretch (particularly in the middle of the night!) Weight: 57.3kg. Cravings: MILK & OJ (alternating)
28 Weeks
(no picture - forgot to take one!)
Well I think I have made up for the no weight gain for a while, I seem to be putting on a bit at the moment. I am strating to get breathless just climbing the stairs at home. Still lots of wiggling and have started consuming milk by the truck load! Weight: 56.8kg. Cravings: MILK!!!!!
Well I think I have made up for the no weight gain for a while, I seem to be putting on a bit at the moment. I am strating to get breathless just climbing the stairs at home. Still lots of wiggling and have started consuming milk by the truck load! Weight: 56.8kg. Cravings: MILK!!!!!
27 Weeks

Had been feeling stressed because of 2 Uni exams coming up and 3 assignments to be finished before the end of semester. Then after my last exam I CRIED!! (yes like a pregnant lady), fortunately it was in the car and only Rob was around to witness the bizarre outpouring. I was sad to be leaving Uni because I love learning and although I know I will be back, not everything seems to follow logic when hormones are involved (especially a pregnancy sized amount of hormones). Lucky I finished my exams reasonably quickly, good old Wiggly had me needing the toilet as soon as I finished! Weight: 56.5kg.
26 Weeks

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
25 Weeks

My weight has definately stabilised, I haven't put any on for 3 weeks now! Hopefully Wiggly is getting bigger and I am compensating or something? The midwife came over for my monthly check up on Tues. It is great having her come to us, no hospital, just a morning visit at home. I met the student midwife we have decided to have along for the ride. She seemed very nice and I think we will be happy to have her around. I have been looking into hypnosis as a method of pain relief and she lent me a CD to listen to so its off to a good start! I had planned on joining the hypnosis trial at the WCH but it is finishing so I missed out. I am planning on using self hypnosis/deep relaxation techniques by finding a good CD that I can take with me. Although I admit I am a bit go with the flow. If it doesn't work onthe day I'll do something else! Have developed heartburn after consuming anything..not sure what it is from, but normal in pregnancy. Also have developed nocturnal leg cramps in my calves that wake me up. They bloody hurt! I hope they go away soon. Apparently also normal in pregnancy. Weight:55.4kg. Cravings: Still on the Chai milkshakes (I am gonna have one now).
24 weeks
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
20 Week Ultrasound
Monday, June 1, 2009
23 Weeks

We have told the kids at work that we are having a baby and I think they are very curious. I have had a couple ask to touch my tummy which is pretty cute and lots of them are starting to ask questions or tell me about when their mum had a baby. Just strating to feel a bit better from the virus, still sick now, but more like a normal cold than before. Wiggly has had a really active week, the other day I don't think it stopped moving all day, but I was at home so I probably noticed it more. Am strarting to organise the nursery more and trying to get the little things that are less exciting but necessary. I am noticing that I am also having a bit of trouble focusing on Uni now, about a month to go but all I can do is focus on preparing for the baby. Hopefully I can hold onto my concentration long enough to pass my exams!
Current cravings : Ribena, warm chicken salad with rocket (really liking rocket).
Weight: 55.4kg (has been going a bit all over the place due to sickness I think)
22 Weeks

21 Weeks

Have noticed Wiggly protests everytime someone pokes my tummy to feel what's going on eg ultrsound lady and midwife by staying still for a day or so. I nearly fainted at the hospital the other morning, was making appointments and all of a sudden needed sugar fast. Fortunately I whipped out a Ribena and continued my appointment making from a seated position. Also vomited 2 days in a row! First time in pregnancy, hoping this is not the start of problems :( Wriggly's movements are getting clearer now, I found out my placenta is on the front wall of my abdomen so they said I might not feel it as much as others, but I can feel them just fine.
20 Weeks
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My Newest Favourite Thing!

I found these dolls online. They are called Language Littles, bilingual dolls, and they come in a range of languages: Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese, German, Russian, Greek and Hebrew! They are of course expensive as everything seems to be, but I love them. They do greetings, numbers, colours, days of the week etc They also have dolls in both genders so you can get one to correspond with your child's gender.
My favourite brands thus far
I love My Vintage Baby, Kate Mack (for bathers and coats), Catimini, Baby Lulu, Baby Nay, Bebe, Biscotti, Zeze & Ashley and Austin. I have found some pretty good bargains through ebay, but I have to stop buying things because we don't know what gender our baby will be and it is hard to find anything that is outstanding style-wise and unisex!
If Only I Was Rich...

I thought while I was going through favourite things I would add the ones I don't have. These are the things I would buy for pure indulgence or if I had oodles of money :)
1. Strawberry Shortcake Dress by Biscotti. These dresses are ridiculously expensive considering how quickly they grow out of them, but I love it. If we have a girl I don't think I will be able to help dressing her all girly. Then she will no doubt grow into a tomboy as a rebellion.
2. Short sleeve romper. I can't remember who makes this, but ifwe have a boy, its something I think I would dress him in. I get a bit disappointed with the lack of interesting boys clothing I see, but if we have a boy I will just have to work harder to find clothes that have style!
3. Old World Roses Bubble Romper by My VIntage Baby. I LOVE THIS!! It is way too expensive, but it is exactly what I would dress my baby in if she were a girl. I love bubble rompers in general and hope I see this on sale one day.
4. Mozart Magic Cube. I know you don't need heaps of toys with a baby, but the ones I do have I would like to be educational or interesting. This cube has different instruments on each side of the cube and depending on the combination that is pressed, it plays an orchestra like piece using the instruments Mozart of course, for optimal brain development and relaxation.
5. Grobag. I love the one with polka dots and if it weren't for the ridiculous price I would run out and get one right now. Grobag also make a thermometer that changes colour which is also cool, but completely unessesary (we will probably use a thermometer from Bunnings).
Raindrops on Roses...
1. The first is a blanket from IKEA. I it is amazingly rare to find bright colours in gender neutral colours!
2. A baby romper I had imported from the USA. I love the idea of our baby dressed as Dr Seuss and we got a basket of stuff that also had a blanket, 2 other short sleeved rompers, a bib and an ABC book.
3. Our attempt at environmentally friendly baby raising! We have decided to try to use cloth nappies so we have a whole heap of Bum Genius nappies and we will be using them as soon as we get home from the hospital.
4. Kanga from Winnie the Pooh. I am not a baby animal type of person, but I have an exception and that is classic pooh. I have a baby mobile and also got Kanga because we want to try to give our baby at least a good percentage of toys that are Australian in nature. We are also looking to avoid toys that have a strong American accent in them..we are not American.
5. Mini cargo pants. I thought they were great. I made sure that the fabric was soft so it wouldn't be uncomfortable and they will look great with a white or black singlet! The only problem is no snaps, but for going out they are cool.
I have reassessed by shopping for baby clothes thinking: I now feel the fabric FROM THE INSIDE to make sure the baby will like the feel, then make sure it is reasonably practical to get on and off, then make sure that the baby will have style and not look like all the other babies out there. I am constantly on the lookout for interesting clothing.
19 Weeks
I forgot to do 18 weeks, but not too much happened except that on ANZAC day I felt our baby move for the first time. We were watching Australia the movie and at the climax when the music got very moving, I felt two little movements like someone was saluting...very patriotic baby!
Still having some muscle pain in my lower back particularly now that I am back at Uni sitting still for hours on end. I had the urge to lie down in the lecture theatre the other day and put my legs up on the seats :) I am OK, but when I stay in the same position, I start to get restless and then when I try to move I look like an old man getting going. I totter around then work my way back to I go. Current weight: 54.3kg.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Rose by Any Other Name...
Rob and I have now been thinking of names for about 4 months and haven't decided on anything definatively, so we are asking people to send us suggestions for both boys and girls names as we have no idea what sex our baby will be :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
17 Weeks
The nerve pain has gone! Yay! I am only having muscle soreness now if I do too much ie walk around all day and don't sit down and have breaks reagularly. The nerve pain disappeared when I started sleeping with a pillow between my legs. Its annoying because everytime I turn over at night I have to rearrange myself, but still better than nerve pain by a long shot.
Still wanting to drink OJ by the bucket load, but only Nippy's, the other brands don't taste fresh enough. Weight: 53.8kg (?? lost 100g - have weighed myself several times to check this, definately eating just as much as always, eating habits haven't changed)
The Nursery
My brother who had been living with us has moved out into his own place, so we decided to paint the room while it was empty and started to put all of the baby stuff we have already accumulated in there. My dad came down to paint for us which was very nice as I am not allowed to paint (or stand on a chair or do ANYTHING just about seems like) and Rob was really busy with end of term Uni stuff, so thanks Dad :)
We decided to go with green, apparently the most relaxing colour and I like green. Ironically the colour is just about exactly the same colour green I had in my nursery when I was a baby in the 70's. One exception, there will be no 70's animal wall paper in this room...ever. I am trying to steer fairly clear of baby animals in general, no teddy fabric, baby animal clothing, etc etc. Just not my thing. I have bought some material to make the valance and stuff for the cot, apparently everything you buy has some animals on it in this country. And I found some cot sheets that are a miniature of our sheets (white cotton/sateen stripe). Hooray! Now I just have to find time to sew the material.
Rob and Dad have put together the furniture we have for the nursery and it looks good so far. We only have a few bits a pieces to get until we are set to go.
Very happy with the semi-finished nursery so far. Will continue to look out for bits and pieces as we still have a fair bit of time to go.
We decided to go with green, apparently the most relaxing colour and I like green. Ironically the colour is just about exactly the same colour green I had in my nursery when I was a baby in the 70's. One exception, there will be no 70's animal wall paper in this room...ever. I am trying to steer fairly clear of baby animals in general, no teddy fabric, baby animal clothing, etc etc. Just not my thing. I have bought some material to make the valance and stuff for the cot, apparently everything you buy has some animals on it in this country. And I found some cot sheets that are a miniature of our sheets (white cotton/sateen stripe). Hooray! Now I just have to find time to sew the material.
Rob and Dad have put together the furniture we have for the nursery and it looks good so far. We only have a few bits a pieces to get until we are set to go.
Very happy with the semi-finished nursery so far. Will continue to look out for bits and pieces as we still have a fair bit of time to go.
16 Weeks
Chiropractor just before Easter seemed to make the nerve pain worse for about 3 days. Will be cancelling the next appointment with them. Found a great chair in Waikerie over Easter at the Chocolate shop, really ugly, but perfect posture chair...considered walking out with the chair :) Getting desperate. Weight 53.9kg (didn't even put weight on over Easter?!) Haven't been super keen on chocolate this year for Easter, too sweet.
15 Weeks
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