My weight has definately stabilised, I haven't put any on for 3 weeks now! Hopefully Wiggly is getting bigger and I am compensating or something? The midwife came over for my monthly check up on Tues. It is great having her come to us, no hospital, just a morning visit at home. I met the student midwife we have decided to have along for the ride. She seemed very nice and I think we will be happy to have her around. I have been looking into hypnosis as a method of pain relief and she lent me a CD to listen to so its off to a good start! I had planned on joining the hypnosis trial at the WCH but it is finishing so I missed out. I am planning on using self hypnosis/deep relaxation techniques by finding a good CD that I can take with me. Although I admit I am a bit go with the flow. If it doesn't work onthe day I'll do something else! Have developed heartburn after consuming anything..not sure what it is from, but normal in pregnancy. Also have developed nocturnal leg cramps in my calves that wake me up. They bloody hurt! I hope they go away soon. Apparently also normal in pregnancy. Weight:55.4kg. Cravings: Still on the Chai milkshakes (I am gonna have one now).
So exciting! I see why you wont be able to make my birthday considering you'll be ready to pop any day then!! How quickly do you think Rob will get Wiggly on a surfboard???? hehehe